2023.01 New York City and Caribbean Cruise (Part 8)

Our second port of call was Phillipsburg, St. Maarten.  It’s another gorgeous island.  I understand why some folks spend as much of winter here versus battling it out with snow and cold.

Sea Helmet Trek

Our planned excursion for this port was a sea helmet trek.  Little Miss had gone on one before and raved about it, as it allowed you to keep your glasses on while you walked a set route along the sea floor.  For this excursion, her sister, niece and nephew joined us.  From the local pier it was a short boat ride to the floating platform.

Our group size had us split into two groups.  We were in the second group, and while the first group went on the trek, we had the opportunity to snorkel, swim, or just relax.  The entertaining part for those snorkeling was that the staff would toss bits of food into the water near them so that the fish would crowd around.  On several occasions, the food would hit the snorkelers.  For us from the platform it was great entertainment.  For those snorkeling, they joked afterwards “something was going on as the fish would instantly appear, and then they would start gumming my [back/shoulder]” 

There also was no shortage of wildlife along the shore.

When it was our turn, Little Miss and I gladly took the option to be the first in the water.  The helmet is HEAVY.  Probably 20-30 lbs.  It’s something you definitely do not want on your shoulders for long when you’re not submerged in the water.  But once in the water, it was easily manageable.  It is quite a different feeling being underwater and yet your whole head is dry.  The upside was with my glasses on, I could see everything, and there were fish swimming around throughout our time.  Unfortunately our tour didn’t go as planned.  For us being underwater, after we got to the sea floor, there was another two people who got halfway down the ladder but then stopped.  I didn’t think anything of it as I was getting used to the novelty of watching the water level in the helmet change as I breathed in and out.  Hopefully because I’m a taller person, when I would take deep breaths the water level in the helmet would come all the way up to my chin.

Eventually the workers who were in their scuba gear, directed us to return to the steps and quickly ushered us back to the surface.  Upon our arrival above ground we learned why most didn’t join us and we didn’t walk the course — the engine powering the air supply compressor had failed.  We did receive a credit for the excursion as it didn’t go to plan, and the staff were apologetic about this misfortune.

Upon returning to the island we took in the wildlife at the pier.

Given the hour of the day we headed to a nearby restaurant to grab lunch.  It was good.

We returned to the port, I window shopped a few of the stores, and with nothing catching my eye returned to the ship.

Sadly, I had hoped to head to Maho beach and take in the unique geography of SXM airport where the runway seems to start/end beside a beach.  The consolation regarding that was that her parents went on a tour of the island, and travel was so busy that day, there was no time for their excursion to visit the beach and wait for aircraft to approach and fly overhead of those at the beach.

I guess that means we’ll have to return another time.

Explore other parts of this trip:

Part 1 – Air Canada Flight Toronto to New York City, LaGuardia

Part 2 – Millennium Hotel New York, One UN Plaza

Part 3 – Things to do in New York City

Part 4 – Caribbean Cruise Introduction

Part 5 – Things to do while Cruising

Part 6 – Cuisine onboard

Part 7 – Port, Puerto Rico

Part 8 – Port, St. Maarten (this post!)

Part 9 – Port, Antiqua and Barbuda

Part 10 – Port, St. Lucia

Part 11 – Port, St. Kitts and Nevis

Part 12 – Maple Leaf Lounge LaGuardia, flight New York to Toronto

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