2022.12 German Christmas Markets (Part 10) – Nuremberg Christmas Market

We arrived in Nuremberg while it was still light out.  Best of all was that the sun came out during the day.  Once checked-in at our hotel, and details were arranged with my brother, it would be a good evening.  Dinner and then Christmas market.  Little Miss was tired, so she passed on the market as we had a few days to explore this city.  Or so I thought…

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2022.12 German Christmas Markets (Part 9) – Dresden Christmas Markets

We had an evening to explore Dresden’s Christmas Markets.  The hotel was perfect to minimize travel time as immediately exiting our hotel, we were at one end of the Frauenkirche Market, and the main Christmas market in Dresden was a short walk away.

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2022.12 German Christmas Markets (Part 7) – Five Markets in Berlin

Berlin is a large city, much more spread out than you’d imagine.  It’s home to many Christmas markets, so which markets to visit?  After using the city of Berlin’s tourism website, I narrowed down ours to visit to five.  Reasonable?  Sure, if we had a couple days, but instead we went to all of them in a single day.

Continue reading “2022.12 German Christmas Markets (Part 7)”