2023.04 Amsterdam and Berlin (Part 9)

Our time in Europe was over.  We had successfully amended my mom’s ticket so that she’d still be able to fly home as originally planned.  For us, we had the early flight back to Toronto.  When I was offered an upgrade offer, after a [moderately? or very?] stressful vacation, I selected “yes” without consulting Little Miss.  We’d just have to put up with comfortable seats for the flight home. 😉

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2023.04 Amsterdam and Berlin (Part 1)

Our next trip was another family trip.  Originally, the idea was we’d accompany my mom to Paris in the fall of 2023.  That plan and destination disappeared once she found out that there was a once-in-a-lifetime exhibit of Vermeer’s works at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, during the spring of 2023.  After a bit of juggling, the plan turned into celebrating Easter with relatives in Germany, a bunch of days in Berlin, and then Vermeer.  We would then return home, and she’d continue onward to England to visit a family friend before she’d return home.

Continue reading “2023.04 Amsterdam and Berlin (Part 1)”