2023.04 Amsterdam and Berlin (Part 9)
Our time in Europe was over. We had successfully amended my mom’s ticket so that she’d still be able to fly home as originally planned. For us, we had the early flight back to Toronto. When I was offered an upgrade offer, after a [moderately? or very?] stressful vacation, I selected “yes” without consulting Little Miss. We’d just have to put up with comfortable seats for the flight home. 😉
KLM CRown Lounge
It was effortless to go from the hotel through check-in, security, passport control to arrive at the KLM Crown Lounge. The lounge was renovated after our visits in 2018, when renovations were just starting. Entrance to the non-Schengen Crown Lounge is well signed from the main concourse level and has both an escalator and elevator to take you to the lounge.
Taking the escalator gives an excellent view to see the many Delft Houses on display. Almost makes you consider that you should take the escalator a few times to take in the view. 😉
The lounge is spread across two levels. Travelling up one level from the main concourse is the first, or main level of the lounge where you’ll need to scan your boarding pass to obtain entry. There are entrances to the lounge on two sides. The second level is divided into a restaurant and bar area. As well, there is access to a terrace from the bar area, however during our visit the terrace was closed. I cannot remember the reason why, but that just means we’ll have to visit again, right?
If you turn right upon entering the lounge and proceed to the far end, you can take the stairs up and get the above vantage point of both levels. The first level has plenty of different seating areas, along with common tables. Even around the steps there is a collection of seating as well.
There are two buffet areas and even though we visited during breakfast there was a variety of foods available. When on the right side of the lounge the buffet is located near the far end in the corner. The buffet located to the left of the lounge entrance, is located past (or before?) the circular bar area. Both buffets carried largely the same foods, however there were a few items that were unique to each buffet area. Below is a slideshow of the buffet during our visit:
Along the wall on the main level were lockers, washrooms, as well as this spectacular display of all the Delft Houses. And yes, they are all numbered for reference.
[Picture below] One item that did surprise me of the lounge was that there was a disco ball on the second level near the steps linking the bar to the main level. I wonder if it’s used, or only in conjunction with a DJ making a guest appearance? On display against the wall are the Delft tiles that are used in the current safety video.
The second level has a restaurant where the meals are available at an extra cost. As well, the bar does have a selection of premium alcohol that is also an extra cost, however there was plenty of complimentary items to select from, that we didn’t have any issue finding something to eat and drink from the complimentary items. From the picture below, this area was extremely quiet when we arrived as we selected this area for us to relax before our flight. With only a handful of other people in this area it was quiet and calm place.
In fairness it did get busier during our stay. It never filled to the point that every seat was taken, I guess not many people care to travel up to a second level when they visit a lounge.
Below is a view from the second level when you exit the escalator or elevator. The restaurant is to the left, and the bar is to the right.
Below is the view into the restaurant. Having destinations as part of the light fixtures was a neat touch.
Our time in the lounge soon expired and we made our way to the gate.
KLM 691, Boeing 777
Seats 6A & 6C
Scheduled departure: 10:50
Scheduled arrival: 12:50
For this flight, our plane was at gate E19, near the end of the of the pier.
We arrived early enough to watch the ground crew begin loading cargo.
Slideshow of cargo loading:
We also arrived early enough to be one of the first in line.
Departing from Amsterdam guarantees a dedicated line for frequent flyers and business class passengers. We boarded and easily found our seats. The configuration has a single row of business class after the second set of doors, and this was where our assigned seats were for our flight.
Immediately behind was Economy class. As this is post was written in 2024, KLM is now busy re-configuring their planes to replace their business class with 1-2-1 seating arrangement, the addition of a premium economy section. We settled in, while boarding occurred.
Here’s a slideshow of the menu:
The captain and purser made their introductions, even with a few pieces of luggage that had to be off-loaded, the door was closed on time, and after ages of taxiing, our plane arrived at the distant third runway of Schiphol.
We took off without delay and soon enough we had this gorgeous view from our window.
Twenty minutes after take-off towels were distributed and drink orders were taken. Drinks arrived about ten minutes later.
Below is a slideshow of drink, and main meal:
After the meal was completed I did try and have a nap, however watching a movie provided to be more interesting, even though it was a movie I had watched many years ago.
Approximately 90 minutes before landing our pre-arrival snack arrived. It was all served on one plate, I found that the burger was good.
After we finished our meal, and trays were cleared it was time for the best treat, a Delft House to take home.
Right before descent towards Toronto began the Captain gave an update about the flight. We landed half an hour later. Upon landing we didn’t have a long taxi to the terminal and within 10 minutes after landing, the plane was at the gate. The door in front of our seats was quickly opened and we were the first off the plane!
Single-handedly the coolest thing was that the walk to customs that was empty and devoid of passengers ahead of us. It was impressive, almost like we were the only ones who walked off the plane. (To be fair a few other passengers did pass us, but were in such a rush they quickly disappeared and afforded me this picture below)
We were through customs quickly, and arrived at the baggage carousel 10 minutes after getting off the plane. Our luggage was quick to arrive and we were home quickly without issue.
Explore other parts of this trip:
Part 1 – KLM Lounge and Flight Toronto to Amsterdam
Part 6 – Berlin, not sightseeing
Part 7 – Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Part 8 – Vermeer at Rijksmuseum
Part 9 – KLM Crown Lounge and Flight Amsterdam to Toronto (this post!)