2018 – Part 30 – Jetstar Hobart to Melbourne
Our time in Tasmania had come to its end. After returning our rental car and a short shuttle ride we were at the airport. What a cute little airport!
Hobart Airport

Before getting to the flight report I want to share our experience at Hobart airport. With no checked baggage to drop off, and boarding passes that I printed with the outbound flight from Melbourne, we didn’t need to visit a check-in counter, nor a machine, and headed to security. Lines for check-in were light as we had arrived early for our flight. Before travelling through security I took a picture that captures the size of airport. Everything is one level, with arrivals located at one end of the terminal (far end of the picture above). The security line was short as in nobody else was going through security, the security officials were friendly and humourous — and we were airside quickly. The security staff confirmed what I noticed in Melbourne, there is no restriction on liquids on domestic Australian flight. There is no 100 mL restriction on domestic flights.

After security there was essentially two food options. Initially our path took us to a coffee shop with a few options, such as banana bread or a sandwich. I took a seat expecting her to return with her morning tea and we would figure out our breakfast. Instead, she returned telling me to move to another area — she had found hot cooked breakfast airside in the terminal! The food was good and helped distract me from my morning challenge (link coming soon).

With breakfast finished my attention returned to the size of Hobart airport. The best part was with the absence of jetways combined with the floor to ceilings windows allowed almost everybody to get a great view of activity at the airport.

The planes taxied up to their assigned spot. After passengers and cargo was loaded, the planes would then start-up, turn and head to the runway. No tugs are required at this airport. From the Departures and Arrivals screen the activity at the airport is on a slightly different scale compared to Sydney or Melbourne.

As our flight was delayed leaving Melbourne we got a treat while waiting at the airport — outside of passengers for our flight the airside was almost empty. Staff started cleaning a section of the floor and seats while I slowly did laps of the terminal. As I looked out past the apron I did get to see the Jetstar Airbus A320 land and head to the terminal.

Our plane had arrived to take us back to Melbourne.
Flight Report Hobart to Melbourne
Hobart to Melbourne
Scheduled departure: 1015
Scheduled Arrival: 1130
Seats 12A, 12B
The crew quickly prepared the plane with boarding commencing less than 10 minutes after the last passengers entered the terminal. Gate agents didn’t want to make the flight any later! Again, we had selected emergency exit row seats and we were prepared for the question of when was the last time we were seated in an emergency row “Monday. Monday was the last time we were in an exit row.” Boarding was quick and we were ready for our flight to Melbourne. With no other traffic at the airport, doors were closed right after the last passengers entered the plane, a manual safety demonstration took place and the plane proceeded to taxi away from the terminal.
We taxied to the end of the runway and then made the turn to take-off. I snapped the picture above as the plane made its turn before we took off.
No catalogue of pictures for this post, check out our Melbourne to Hobart flight for pictures of Jetstar’s catalogue of items for sale. Instead one thing clearly stood out for me as I shuffled through the on board magazine:

The weather was clear and provided with a great view as we climbed up above Tasmania.
The rest of the flight was as good as our inbound, quiet and quick. When the plane landed it was as if a little fog had rolled into the airport. We landed and taxied to the gate where it was hard to see the terminals, however as we left the plane it was already lifting, as was gone by the time we got to our shuttle bus stand.
The only downside about Terminal 4 is that it can be crowded. So crowded, that you feel that you are impersonating a salmon. Everybody else in the terminal is trying to get on a plane, as you are the only one trying to make headway to Melbourne (even though we got off a full flight). It was a good 10 minute walk to the shuttle bus pick-up. The amount of time spent walking was good as I called the hotel and we waited just a few minutes before the shuttle arrived.

From there it was a short ride back to the hotel to collect our car keys. Once in our car we were off to explore Melbourne.
Read more about our trip by clicking here.