2018 – Part 72 – Bali to Singapore
Upon arriving at the gate area it became quickly apparent that Bali is a major tourist destination — there was no shortage of sunburnt fair skinned Europeans waiting to board the flight.
flight report bali to singapore
We arrived at the gate area with all the different lines ready for passengers to line-up.
Before getting in line, I took a picture of the plane that would be our home for the initial 2 hour flight to Singapore, and then the 12 hour flight to Amsterdam.
After pre-boarding, we were one of the first passengers on the plane. Just like the 777 that we took from Amsterdam via Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta, we were seated in the main section in front of door L2.
KLM KL836, Boeing 777, “Fulufjallet National Park”
DPS-SIN (Bali to Singapore)
Scheduled departure: 20:40
Scheduled arrival: 22:55
Seats 4A & C (KLM World Business Class)
For pictures of the seats from a prior post, please click here.
We had a pre-departure drink, she opted not to have champagne. I just couldn’t turn it down.
Before take-off I flipped through the menu.
At 8:36pm, the captain, Andy introduced himself, and during the pre-flight message informed us that the flight was scheduled at two hours 15 minutes. With everything already on-board pushback should begin shortly after.
Pushback occurred less than 10 minutes later and with a few aircraft in front of our 777 we were at the runway for take-off at 8:55pm.
Take-off was smooth and dinner was served 35 minutes after take-off.
I found the meal filling, and after the main meal chocolates in the shape of a canal house were available. The co-pilot made an announcement giving us an update in which our flight should land just ahead of schedule in Singapore.
Sure enough our descent into Singapore started and we landed without issue. Once at the gate we were informed that passengers continuing to Amsterdam had 60 minutes.
Read more about our trip by clicking here.